Example List of Internship Projects
See also:
Internship Program
Example Internship Projects
New Intern Orientation and Evaluation Criteria
Current Internships:
SUNY Online Teaching/SUNY Albany CDIT ID Internship Program
Media Intern
Example list of SUNY Online Teaching team projects and initiatives
Pedagogical/Online Instructional Designer
- Attend/Observe/Drive at SUNY Online Teaching new/returning and OSCQR trainings.
- Assist in the development of online materials, for example:
– Produce a dynamic interactive website for online students on how to be a successful/effective online student. Incorporate elements and indicators targeting student self-regulation.
– Produce a webinar on how online faculty can support successful/effective online students. Incorporate elements and indicators targeting student self-regulation.
– Produce gamified course materials that faculty can incorporate into their courses that help students target/develop self-regulated learning strategies (SRLS). - Develop content to support the enhancement of the SUNY Online Teaching survey with mechanisms to self assess social, cognitive and learner presences. ( http://open.suny.edu/sites/teachingsurvey/ )
- Create a repository of online effective practices: Showcases from the online courses for observation.
- Conduct and record scripted interviews with exemplar faculty for SUNY Online faculty spotlights and podcasts.
- Produce a literature review on online course quality review measures targeting elements of the OSCQR rubric.
- Create learning objects on How to use the OSCQR dashboard. And produce other training materials.
- ZOOM best practice/use cases templates.
- Develop training and materials for how to create screencasts, and other uses of video for instructional purposes.
- Develop training and materials for how to create audio feedback, and other uses of audio for instructional purposes.
Media/Content Management
- Assist in updating, maintaining, and/or migrating the web content into our various SUNY Online Teaching web spaces.
- Review and update aspects of the SUNY Online YouTube channel videos and playlists including closed captioning, tags, descriptions, etc.
- Participate in Online Teaching webinar planning and facilitation support.
- Publish WordPress content associated with SUNY Online Fellow activities: ambassadors, mentors, reviewers, courses for observations, etc.
- Assist with badging activities.
Other Possibilities
- Assist during peek times at the HD.
- Assist with community facilitation in the SUNY Online Teaching networking community.
- Assist in the development or implementation of an assessment instrument to evaluate SUNY Online Teaching services.
- Assist at the SUNY Summit with live online social media interaction during the conference.