Teach Online Step by Step:
Online Course Design
Be sure to check with your campus online learning office and/or online instructional design support services for campus-specific tools, resources, recommendations, policies, and processes.
Step 1: Reflect
- Know yourself
- Interested in Teaching Online? – What do you know or assume about teaching online? – self-paced resource.
- Online Faculty Readiness – What technical skills will you need? – self-assessment resource.
- Who are you, and how do you want to represent yourself and your discipline online? – Take a look at some examples of how other faculty have designed their courses.
- Know your learners
Step 2: Connect
Step 3: Organize
Step 4: Build
- Design Online Learning Activities
- Design Authentic Online Assessments (Cognitive & Teaching Presences)
- Develop Class Community & Interaction (Social & Teaching Presences)
- Asynchronous Interaction & Content Presentation (Teaching & Social Presences)
- Synchronous Interaction
Step 5: Refine
The OSCQR Rubric provides a set of 50 standards that you can use as you build, refine, and review the instructional design of your online course to help you inform and improve your online course design with effective online practices.
- Before you teach your course online, review your course information documents and update them, especially the Course Schedule, Assignments, Grading Scheme, etc. Review your course content and learning activities. Review your plans and instructions for interaction and collaboration. Review your assessments and plans for providing feedback. Don’t forget to spell check.
- Check with your campus instructional designer for any campus-specific course review processes.
Step 6: Implement
Step 7: Evolve
- Improve your course design OSCQR Review and Refresh
- Self-assess with OSCQR (download OLC .pdf)
- Online Teaching Handbook: Step-by-Step
- Courses for Observation – Brightspace examples
- Interviews with Online Faculty– podcast
- Discipline-Specific Resources
- Roadmap for new online instructors – John’s Hopkins
- Essential Resources For Faculty Building (or Improving) Online Courses
- 12 Key Ideas: An Introduction to Teaching Online – Dave Cormier and Ashlyne O’Neil
- Tips and Strategies for Large Online Courses