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Getting to Know Lin – Graduate Student Intern

I’m thrilled to introduce myself as the newest graduate student intern here at SUNY Online. My name is Lin Lin, and I’m currently pursuing a doctoral degree in Communication at the University at Albany, specializing in Organizational Communication.

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Get OSCQR Certified!

Would an OSCQR certification help you with your online course quality initiatives? Are you an online instructional designer (ID)? Are you new at it, or do you have years of experience? Are you an online instructor? Are you new at it, or do you have years of experience teaching online?

Motivational Strategies in Online Learning

Adding motivational messages is one pedagogical device used in well-designed self-paced instructional environments to keep learners engaged. I would say that these types of devices are typical in some MOOC platforms and high end corporate training.

Adapting Lecture-Based Courses

In an online lecture-based course (synchronous or asynchronous), the online instructor will typically record and post voice over lecture slides in the LMS, and a handful of check-in activities with learners to ensure that everyone is making sense of the concepts and content.

COIL+OSCQR Standards

Online Engineering and Computer Science

I was recently asked for resources and suggestions related to online engineering/computer science courses.

I have put together some discipline specific resources


a “Fred” by any other name is a “Template”

Close to 30 years ago, I designed the first SUNY Learning Network online course template. We called it a “template” because, as I explained to new online faculty at the time, calling it “Fred,” just didn’t have enough contextual detail to make sense. 

The SUNY DLE Course Templates

SUNY Online has developed a set of course templates for 8 distinct use cases and instructional modalities that have been optimized specifically for the SUNY DLE Brightspace environment. Course templates are an important tool for faculty, instructional designers, and learners in digital learning environments. 

Interested in Teaching Online?

A good online course starts with well-articulated learning objectives. Content and activities are then designed to target those objectives specifically, and optimized to leverage the online environment to foster deep engagement, interaction, collaboration and ways that online learners can make their thinking and learning visible to the instructor and peers. And finally, methods of providing feedback, assessments and/or evaluations are developed that are authentic methods given the online nature of the learning environment.


DEI4All Project Recognized

The SUNY DEI for All (#DEI4All) project has been selected as an exemplar to be highlighted in the Educause 2024 HorizonReport | Teaching & Learning Edition. Exemplar projects are the heart of the Horizon ReportBelow is a description of the SUNY/national project that has been selected to be featured in the publication (p. 27):

SUNY Online Fellows


community engagement

Credly Badges Issued


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OSCQR Campuses


Meet the Team

The Online Teaching Team leads support initiatives for SUNY’s online teaching faculty and instructional designers through the delivery of high quality professional development, creation and curation of exemplar resources, and networking of online professionals across the SUNY system.

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    The State University
    of New York 
    H. Carl McCall SUNY Building
    Albany, New York 12246 

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