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SUNY Online Teaching Ambassador 2025: Genesee – Phil Pickering


Phil Pickering headshot
Phil Pickering
Genesee Community College

Phil Pickering is a Professor of Mathematics at Genesee Community College. He holds a BS in Mathematics and an MA in Mathematics, both from SUNY College at Brockport. He was awarded the SUNY Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching in 2007. He has developed courses in Calculus for Business Majors and Discrete Mathematics and is the course coordinator for both of those courses, as well as Statistics, Calculus II, Calculus III, and Differential Equations. He has offered Statistics as an asynchronous online course every semester and summer session since 2003, and Calculus for Business as an asynchronous online course at least two times annually for the past ten years. 

In 2019, Mr. Pickering became one of the first faculty members at GCC to begin teaching all of his one-section courses in a HyFlex format to offer students in the Engineering, Math, CIS, and Physics programs more schedule flexibility in their required mathematics courses. 

Mr. Pickering is a former advisor for Math Club and has been an active member of GCC’s Academic Senate. Mr. Pickering has had numerous students win NYSMATYC Scholarships and participate in the US Department of Energy’s Community College Initiative.