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Expert Online Instructional Designers

Expert online instructional designers (IDs) are the historical core of our online community of practice.

Online IDs have significant roles and opportunities to contribute in the SUNY Online Community of Practice. Professionalization of the role, ongoing professional development/certifications, mentoring,  volunteering to review online courses/provide support, mentoring others, and sharing expertise, resources, tools in various ways are recognized and valued in our community of online practitioners. For example:

  1. Teach Online!
  2. Join the Online Course Quality Reviewer Network to volunteer to review online courses.
  3. Earn OSCQR Reviewer/OSCQR Trainer Certification.
  4. Complete the OLC Online ID Certificate Program.
  5. Become an Online Teaching Fellow in the Expert ID role.
  6. Join the of online practitioners 
  7. Become an Online Coach/Mentor Volunteer.
  8. Get certified to train on our behalf with the SUNY Online PD Associates Program.
  9. Volunteer to be part of periodic ad hoc SUNY Online work groups, committees, or teams.
  10. Nominate or Submit a proposal to lead a Fellow Chat.
  11. Nominate or Submit an online effective practice for an award recognition.
  12. Nominate an Online Teaching Ambassador from your campus.
  13. Nominate an Online Course for Observation from your campus.
  14. Share your enthusiasm or expertise in other various ways.


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