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Teach Online:
Planning in Advance

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<< Remote Teaching Checklist

OSCQR RSI Standards

Things to think about when preparing to teach online:

Thinking about these questions in advance will help you plan in advance.

  • How will you get help if you need it?
  • What will you do if your hardware malfunctions?
  • Do you have a back-up copy of your course?
  • Will your course be backed up regularly during the delivery phase?
  • What will you do if your software malfunctions?
  • What will you do if the network is down?
  • How will your students enroll and get course access?
  • When will your course be available to your students?
  • What are the start and end dates for your course?
  • What is the census date for your course?
  • What are your institutional, or departmental policies regarding online courses?
  • How will you respond to students that contact you with technology questions?
  • How will students get help if they need it?
  • What will you do about students that start late?
  • Is cross-platform compatibility an issue for activities in your online course?
  • How will you accommodate students with disabilities or special needs?
  • How will you deal with students who do not complete the course within the allotted time frame (incompletes/extensions)?