There are specific opportunities for community members to participate in SUNY Online Teaching community activities. In addition to demonstrating Community Engagement, and engaging as a Community Participant, community members can be honored as Community Leaders by:
- Becoming an official mentor.
- Submitting an effective online practice (their own or on behalf of a colleague or instructor).
- Leading a Fellow Chat to support our mission of networking, interaction, and excellence in online teaching and learning practices.
- Becoming an official online course Reviewer.
- Becoming an official SUNY Online PD Associate.
- Nominating, or having your course nominated as an exemplary course for observation.
- Nominating, or being nominated as an Online Teaching Ambassador.
- Sharing your enthusiasm for online teaching with the community.
- Volunteering to participate on work groups and advisory teams.
- Attending, engaging in the coordination, and/or delivering presentations at community events and activities.
Community Leadership badges honor contributions to the community by those who provide leadership within the community.
Individuals who earn this honor can provide evidence that they have contributed their expertise for the benefit of the entire community of practice, and have distinguished themselves as leaders in the community by engaging in the activities listed to demonstrate their commitment to sharing what they know and continuously improving their own skills and understanding