SUNY Online Teaching Ambassador 2021: Buffalo State – John Draeger
John D. Draeger, Ph.D joined the faculty in fall 2005 after teaching at Weber State University in Ogden, UT. He earned his Ph.D. in philosophy from Syracuse University. He teaches courses in ethics, political philosophy, and philosophy of law. He became the director of the SoTL program in 2009. He became the founding director of Buffalo State’s Teaching & Learning Center in 2017. He divides his research time between work in moral philosophy and work in the scholarship of teaching and learning. His current projects in philosophy include a large project concerning the nature of respect for gendered persons. His current SoTL projects include work on higher-order thinking, general education, and metacognition.
He is co-creator of a new endeavor, Improve with Metacognition, winner of a MERLOT classics award for faculty development in 2018.