Teach Online:
EXAMPLE: Course Policies
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Netiquette Statement and Student Conduct
Netiquette is a set of rules for behaving properly online. Online interactions in this course are of a public nature, meaning everyone in the course can see and respond to each other’s posts. please observe proper “netiquette,” i.e., be courteous and appropriate in your online communications and interactions. This means no personal attacks, obscene language, or intolerant expressions. All viewpoints should be respected. If you are still not sure, please review the Core Rules of Netiquette.
Netiquette Tips
- Be sensitive, tolerant, and respectful of differences, views, and opinions.
- Use good judgement in responding to others to avoid misunderstanding and misinterpretation. Don’t swear and avoid slang.
- Avoid using ALL CAPS, which can be misinterpreted and considered impolite or aggressive.
- Avoid or spell out acronyms.
- Use standard English.
Source: Adapted from the University of Hawaii-Hilo http://hilo.hawaii.edu/academics/dl/netetiquette.php
For additional information about student conduct, please review the Student Code of Conduct at (add link to campus policy).
Plagiarism and Cheating:
Cheating is obtaining or intentionally giving unauthorized information to create an unfair advantage in an examination, assignment, or classroom situation. Plagiarism is the act of presenting and claiming words, ideas, data, programming code or creations of others as one’s own. Plagiarism may be intentional – as in a false claim of authorship – or unintentional – as in a failure to document information sources using MLA (Modern Language Association), APA (American Psychological Association), Chicago, or other style sheets or manuals adopted by faculty at the College. Presenting ideas in the exact or near exact wording as found in source material constitutes plagiarism, as does patching together paraphrased statements without in-text citation.
The purchasing or sharing of papers or projects between students, or the re-use of papers or projects submitted for more than one assignment or class also constitutes plagiarism.
Disciplinary action may include a failing grade on an assignment or test, a failing grade for the course, suspension, or expulsion from the college, as described in the campus Code of Conduct (insert link ). The policy and disciplinary action for students in this specific course who engage in plagiarism is detailed in the course Syllabus.
Accessibility Statement
If you have a physical, psychological, medical or learning disability that may impact your coursework or participation in this class, please contact the Assistant Dean of Student Services/Disabilities Coordinator, Success Coach, or Academic Advisor who will arrange an intake meeting. The Assistant Dean/Coordinator will determine with you what accommodations are necessary, appropriate and reasonable. All information and documentation is confidential.
Contact: Access & Accommodation Services (insert link to campus services), (Also add the Access & Accommodation campus address, their email address, and if your campus has them, the link to contact your campus online Student Success Coach.)
If you encounter any course materials that are inaccessible with adaptive equipment or inaccessible due to extenuating circumstances please let me know, or contact Access & Accommodation Services.
“No Show” Compliance
Federal regulations require that the College report any student that registers for a class but fails to attend and/or participate in the study. This action is commonly referred to as census reporting or “No Show” reporting. Students enrolled in online courses must take specific actions within the online course to be considered “present” in the course or they will be administratively dropped.
Examples of what will satisfy the federal expectations for students studying online include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Participation in a discussion forum or introductory ice breaker activity.
- Completing a syllabus quiz.
- Submission of any type of written response (ex: response paper, journal entry, reading summary, etc.).
- Submission of a student-to-instructor message about a specific aspect of the course within the online course space (ex: a message in Blackboard from student to instructor).
- Creation of a student user account in a third-party product that is a required part of the online course.
Students who simply log into the course. but perform no student-initiated action do NOT satisfy the expectations of the federal No Show attendance reporting and will be administratively dropped from the course.
- A student must have engaged in at least one student-initiated activity to be counted as attending the course.
One of these student-initiated actions must take place between the first day of the academic term and the census date. Please review the college’s academic calendar at (insert link here) to see the census date for all academic terms at the college.
Participate right away!