Teach Online:
Group Work & Cooperative Learning Online
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Cooperative Learning Online
One of the purposes of this site is to provide a starting point for exploring good pedagogy in the use of technology-enhanced instruction. A useful place to start such an investigation is with cooperative and collaborative methods. In general, cooperative and collaborative learning are instructional approaches in which students work together in small groups to accomplish a common learning goal. Advocates do not suggest that they be used exclusively, but should supplement a variety of active learning approaches.
Cooperative learning has been called one of the biggest educational innovation of our time and represents a research-based best practice for instruction. More than 300 studies have found achievement gains attributable to cooperative methods when compared to methods in which students work alone or competitively (Ellis & Fouts, 1997 ).
Cooperative learning online differs from traditional classroom-based “group-work,” in that most models adhere to the following principles:
Students work and learn together online in small (2-5 member) groups.
Their task is carefully designed to be suitable for online group work.
There is positive interdependence – cooperation is necessary for students to succeed.
Students are individually accountable for learning and participation.
Attention and online scaffolding activities support interpersonal/cooperative skill building.
The role of the online instructor shifts from being the “sage on the stage” to “the guide on the side.”
- Collaborative Online Small Group Work
- 15 Common Mistake in Cooperative Learning and What to Do About Them
- 7 Tips for Successful Cooperative Learning Online Group Work
- Cooperative vs. Collaborative Learning
- Tips for Online Students to Work Successfully in Virtual Groups
- Tips and Resources for Online Group Work
- CollaborativeU/ConflictU
- Facilitating Online Collaboration and Interaction
- Team-Maker: A Tool for Criterion-Based Team Assignment