SUNY Online Teaching Ambassador 2023: Orange – Christine Henderson

Orange County Community College
Christine Henderson is a full-time Associate Professor in the Behavioral Sciences department at SUNY Orange County Community College. She teaches/has taught Introduction to Psychology, Honors Introduction to Psychology, Psychology of Adjustment, Child Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Introduction to Human Services, and an Honors Seminar: This is Your Brain on Nature. Christine teaches/has taught in a variety of formats including in-person, hybrid, remote synchronous, and asynchronous distance learning.
Christine has earned a BS in Psychology, an MA in Psychology, and a Graduate Certificate in Teaching and Learning with Emerging Technologies. She has taught at SUNY Orange for over 14 years.
Christine is actively involved in campus governance, sitting on numerous committees, working groups, and ad-hoc committees during her tenure at SUNY Orange.
I have been teaching at SUNY Orange for over 14 years now, and I consider myself a life-long learner. I consider it my personal and professional responsibility to continuously enhance my knowledge, teaching methodologies, technological and engagement skills to provide the best learning experience and environment for my students. Distance learning can create many challenges, but I prefer to look at those challenges as opportunities. “How can I connect more with my online students? How can I foster their connections with me, each other, and the course content? How can I engage my students with the course, and in the learning management system? How can I make this the best possible learning experience for my students, despite the format?” These are the questions that drive one of my many purposes as an educator, and spark my continuous desire for professional development, and creative teaching and learning approaches.