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SUNY Online Teaching Ambassador 2023: Farmingdale – Michael Fraina

Michael Fraina Farmingdale State College
Michael Fraina
Farmingdale State College

Michael Fraina is an Assistant Professor of Sport Management at Farmingdale State College. Michael’s academic degrees were granted from the University of Miami and The Ohio State University. Some of his research interests include motivation of youth and amateur athletes, issues in interscholastic athletics, and mentoring in the sport context.

I have enjoyed teaching Introduction to Sport Management (SMT 110), Sport Marketing (SMT 225), Sport Finance (SMT 304), and Senior Seminar in Sport (SMT 485W) in an online modality. Online classes offer students the flexibility to complete course work in accordance with their schedules. With the benefit of recorded video lectures, students can complete assignments and reading quizzes as effectively as their peers in the classroom. Furthermore, discussion boards can create a sense of community that may not develop in an in-person setting.

It has also been an honor serving as a Faculty Distance Learning Mentor on my campus. The opportunity to assist my colleagues in the transition to the Brightspace platform has been rewarding. I look forward to remaining a positive and strong advocate for online teaching in the SUNY community.