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Open SUNY Online Teaching Ambassador 2017 – Farmingdale: Ramón-Osvaldo González

Ramón-Osvaldo González
Ramón-Osvaldo González

Ramón-Osvaldo González, Ph.D., graduated from Nassau County Community College with an Associate of Science degree in Computer Science, finished his Bachelor of Science degree in Aeronautical Science at Farmingdale State College and his Master in Business Administration at Dowling College with a concentration in Aviation Management. Dr. González entered the Graduate School of Education at Dowling College where he successfully complete his Doctoral Degree in Educational Administration. His dissertation “A Measurement of Ethical Behavior of Student Pilots in U.S. Higher Education Institutions and Their Affinity to Abide by Federal Aviation Regulations” was published by UMI Dissertation Publishing and Copyright 2011 by ProQuest LLC.

Dr. González is a full time tenured Assistant Professor at Farmingdale State College in the Department of Aviation, School of Engineering Technology since 2006, from 2003 to 2006 he work at Farmingdale State College as an Adjunct professor. Having served as Department Program Coordinator and Department Chair for the Aviation Department, he now spend his time teaching, researching, and mentoring students’ research.

Dr. Gonzalez is very active in the development of Distant Learning / On-line classes and constantly improving his On-line classes with new technology and pedagogy. The goal is to implement a full Aviation Administration degree on line to facilitate students who work or live out of state or out of the country. This will increase the students’ population in the Aviation Department and improve the retention rate as well. Dr. Gonzalez believe that Distant Learning is the future of education.

Dr. González’s research interest include: student’s ethics, aviation safety, human factor, and behavioral analysis in complex systems. His publications include national and international peer reviewed journal and conference proceedings.

Dr. González is currently a member of the Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education Conference and serves as a peer reviewer. Dr. González served as a subject-matter expert for Dowling College – Annual Latino Summit Panelist, member of Schenectady County Community College and Jamestown Community College five year program review.