Open SUNY Online Teaching Ambassador 2018 – Niagara: Donna Simiele
Donna Simiele has worked in the eLearning Department at Niagara County Community College (NCCC) since 2010 and currently in the position of eLearning Technology Support Coordinator and Instructional Designer. In addition, Donna has been an adjunct faculty for the Business Education and Computer Information Science Departments at NCCC since 2002. In her adjunct capacity, Donna has developed and taught several online courses at NCCC.
Currently, Donna has a role in QbD (Quality by Design) training and development, OER course developer and mentor, and sits on the ELTAC (Electronic Learning Teaching Advisory Council) committee. Donna has provided numerous workshops and presentations on online course development, Blackboard, creating accessible content, online student success, and online course quality. Donna leads the NCCC Peer Review Project as an ongoing initiative to provide high quality online and hybrid courses to the NCCC community.