Open SUNY Online Teaching Ambassador 2018 – Onondaga: Kerry Evans

Kerry Evans is an Associate Professor of Psychology in the Social Sciences and Philosophy Department at Onondaga Community College. She has been teaching college students about psychology for 15 years, both as an adjunct professor, and now working at OCC full-time for 6 years. She earned her PSY. D. in School Psychology from SUNY Albany.
I am relatively new to teaching on-line, but have been working with online formats and resources for my whole teaching career. Today’s students expect to be able to do their schoolwork on-line, using Blackboard, Google Classroom or another learning management system, and I have been incorporating materials into this format. In addition, I use an Open Educational Resource which is a textbook that can be found on-line and is free for students to use. I estimate that students have saved over $250,000 in my classes alone. My philosophy of teaching on-line course is that they should be consistent and predictable for students, and also relevant to their lives – just as we would want our face-to-face classes to be!
2018 Ambassadors

Antoinette Howard

Beth Tauke

Beth Wilson

Betty Hurley

Dale Yerpe

Deborah Silverman

Donna Simiele

Elizabeth Edelson

Erroyl Rolle

Fadi Bou-Abdallah

Gabrielle Russo

George Hurlburt

Heather LaPoint

Irene Hughes

Jason Lee

Jason Lewis

Jason Vickers

Jeff Hung

Jeff Ritter

Jessica Kelly

Jiang Tan

Jie Zhang

Joseph Pilaro

Karen Lillie

Katherine Mitra

Kathleen Valentine

Kerry Evans

Laura Jean Bopp

Lawrence Brittain

Lee Ann Thomas

Linda Finn

Marilyn Curry

Mark Petersen

Maya Greene

Nancy Sheridan

Nancy Tarr

Nicholas Ippoliti

Priya Banerjee

Rita Ward-Slater

Robert Morris

Ryan Rish

Sean Maley

Steven Mezik

Susan Bender

Teresa Burke

Tina Wagle

Todd Blumenthal

Catherine Roche

Thomas Butler