Call for Proposals: SUNY Online Teaching Fellow Chats As a SUNY Online Teaching Fellow you have committed to sharing what you know and giving back to our community of practice to help us all benefit from your expertise. Do you have a cool tool, effective practice, innovation, research, or other topic related to online teaching and learning that you would share with others in our community? You are invited to propose a topic for a Fellow Chat to "share what you know" with the SUNY Online Teaching Community and all those interested in improving their online and technology-enhanced instruction. Overview SUNY Online supports the community of online practitioners by providing an online site for interaction, networking, and information sharing. A feature of this space is collecting, disseminating and showcasing the work, effective practices, research, and innovations of SUNY Online Teaching Fellows in online teaching and learning, instructional design, etc. Selection Criteria Proposals will be reviewed by the SUNY Online Teaching Team. Proposals will be selected by the SUNY Online Teaching Team based on relevance, impact, innovation in online teaching and learning, and/or alignment with SUNY Online initiatives.Changes to the Proposal Any changes in the proposal after acceptance must be approved by the SUNY Online Teaching Team in writing. *required SUNY Online Teaching Fellow Information:First Name*Last Name*Email* Facebook Twitter Website Slideshare LinkedIn Blog Other *Use the + sign to the right of the field to add up to 5 links.Proposed Category:Fellow Chat Speaker SeriesFellow Chat proposals must be relevant to online teaching and learning practitioners.*Select a CategoryCool Tool demoEffective Practice presentationInnovation or ResearchOther (We’re “Open” to ideas)OtherTime Format:“Fellow Chats” are typically presented in a 30 minute format. For more complex topics requiring additional time, select one of our series options:*Select a Time Format30 minute segment2 part series3 part seriesTitle:Please provide a title for your proposed topic. *10 words maximum*Short Abstract:Please provide a short abstract of your proposed topic. *50 words maximum*Details:Please provide a detailed overview of your proposed topic and how you used it. *500 words maximum*Examples:Please provide links to examples of your proposed topic.Example:* *Use the + sign to the right of the field to add up to 5 links.Sharing What You Know:Please confirm that SUNY Online can publish and disseminate your presentation under the creative commons license:* Yes Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0Please confirm that you agree to share your presentation materials (i.e. slides) and you agree to have your presentation recorded.* Yes Thank you for sharing what you know!