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COTE’s New to Online Learning (N2OL) Model

Over the past 20 years, Open SUNY COTE (formerly the SUNY Learning Network’s Education Services) has helped a generation of SUNY instructors develop their first online courses.  Over 5,000 faculty have participated in workshops, and countless more have worked with instructional designers trained in the SLN model of online course design.

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Holiday Gift Ideas

Seasons Greetings!

Getting the perfect gifts for your techie loved ones shouldn’t be hard this year. Technology is everywhere, and in our line of work, the challenge is not finding technology, it is filtering the really good stuff. The “high octane” tech. Although most of you reading this post probably recognize the merits of technology for learning and understand the potential of many of devices out there, perhaps the following list of ideas can still help you inspire your loved ones.

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