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SUNY Online Teaching Ambassador 2022: Dutchess – Jason Bishop

Jason Bishop Dutchess Community College
Jason Bishop
Dutchess Community College

Jason Bishop is an Assistant Professor in the Behavioral Sciences Department at Dutchess Community College.

I began teaching sociology coursework online in 2006.  I was fortunate enough to have specific coursework dedicated to online teaching within my master’s program.  I benefitted enormously from the structured analysis of what is likely to work and what is unlikely to work well online.  I cannot stress enough the importance of structured, honest, and ongoing reflective teaching practices.  Being strategically reflective about my online teaching allows me to: try lesson plans that should work (based on scholarship) and honestly assess the effectiveness (based on student learning).  I’ve benefitted enormously from reflective teaching techniques and urge anyone new or seasoned at online education to learn and implement them. They are the framework to create quality classes.