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Open SUNY Online Teaching Ambassador 2019: Oswego – Arvind Diddi

Arvind Diddi
Arvind Diddi

Arvind Diddi, Ph.D., is a professor of journalism and mass communication in the Department of Communication Studies at the State University of New York at Oswego. He is the journalism unit coordinator. He has been teaching at SUNY Oswego since the fall 2006. He teaches introductory and advanced news writing and reporting courses in addition to the history of American journalism, and mass media research methods. Dr. Diddi has created online versions of most of his courses. He strongly believes that face-to-face and online teaching complement each other. His research areas include news media coverage of the U.S. presidential campaigns, news media bias, news media framing, media sociology, and news media use. He has about 10 publications in peer-reviewed mass communication journals such as the Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, Mass Communication & Society, and has nearly 20 conference papers. Dr. Diddi earned his doctoral degree in mass media from Michigan State University, and before that he worked as English daily news reporter for six years in India.

“In this era of digital and social media, teaching community at various levels should see face-to-face and online teaching as complementing each other rather than an either/or situation. By blending the strengths of both ways of teaching the changing landscape of education can be navigated successfully while adapting to changes and overcoming challenges. Flexibility and innovative use of technology are the strengths of online teaching. Interacting with the instructional designers can make you think in innovative and creative ways making teaching and learning a fulfilling and fun process.”