Online Teaching

N2OL Certificate Program (Facilitated Online)

Target Audience: This course is intended for those new to online teaching and online course development who will develop and teach their own online course.

Program Description:

In this instructor-led intensive 8-week online experience, you will gain the perspective of an online student as you engage and interact with other online participants, with the instructor, and with online course content, activities, and assignments. The program consists of 4 sequential online modules, each completed in a 2-week time frame. Written assignments and course creation activities are due every 2 weeks. To be successful in this program you will need to be able to devote the necessary time to engage substantively in course online interactions and complete the on and offline assignments. This program provides a model of how online courses can be effectively structured and managed. You will also learn some foundational theory on effective online teaching and learning. Your questions, concerns, and perspectives on what constitutes good practices in the online asynchronous teaching and learning environment will be the focus of online interactions with others in the program. You will be led through a step-by-step process that will help you conceptualize and design your own online course, including online course structure, organization, sequencing, pacing, learning activities design, as well as options for providing authentic/effective online student assessment, evaluation, and feedback. You will also have the opportunity to use the OSCQR online course quality rubric to inform the design your online course, as well as to use it as a self-assessment prior to your first online delivery.

Course Objectives:

You will assume the role of an online student in this online course to gain insight from that perspective that you can immediately apply to the design of your own online course.

  • Tools used in the course will demonstrate how to enhance the presentation of content online.
  • Online interaction and collaboration in the course will give you the opportunity to see how it can be made engaging for online students.
  • Techniques for providing online student feedback and assessing student learning that are effective and efficient will be demonstrated.

Specifically you will learn to:

  • Participate in online discussions and activities.
  • Observe how this course and online learning activities are organized and managed.
  • See how it feels to be a student in an online course.
  • Use this student perspective to inform the design of your own online course.
  • Build your own online course (in BlackBoard – Bb) step by step.
  • Apply best practices in effective online teaching and learning in your own online course- including how to best present your content online, how to facilitate engaging interaction/collaboration with and between your students, and how to provide effective and efficient feedback and assess your students.
  • Read, view, use and explore various articles, videos, and online technologies to help deepen your understanding of how to create and contribute to an effective and engaging online teaching and learning environment.
  • Observe exemplary online courses and have the opportunity to listen to interviews and conversations with experience online instructors to learn from their experiences.
  • Self-assess your online course using checklists and the OSCQR online course quality review rubric.
  • Create a video tour of your online course as evidence of your learning in this program.
  • Provide feedback on the course and the tools used in this course to help us understand your learning, and so we can make this course better for you and future participants in this course.


  • This course requires you to design and develop an online course in an Learning Management System (LMS) and assumes you will teach it.
  • To successfully complete the required course design activities in this course you will need an online course shell with instructor-level access provided to you by your campus and on your campus LMS system prior to the start date of the course. Please plan accordingly.
  • The SUNY preferred online LMS is Bb. This course is presented in Bb, provides a Bb template to quick-start your course design, and assumes that you will design a course in the Bb environment.

To make the most of this experience you should plan to work closely with your campus-based instructional designer for individual feedback, approvals, campus-specific policies and procedures, and support for course design and technical issues.

Recognition: Badge/Certificate …N2OL and 4 module Tokens.

Mode: online instructor-led

Duration: 8 weeks


  • CPD Member Fee – $1000 (4 modules)
  • SUNY Campus Fee – $1200
  • Other/Non-SUNY Fee – $1400

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