Regular and Substantive Interaction (RSI)* & OSCQR WorkGroup
New regulatory definitions of distance education require that institutions ensure regular and substantive interaction (RSI) between a student and an instructor(s).
A multi-pronged approach is necessary to address this including faculty and instructional designer training, improvements in online course design and facilitation, and online course reviews and refreshes to ensure compliance. A volunteer workgroup has been convened to review OSCQR standards and documentation to suggest any edits to the standards and additions to the documentations. The intention is to make sure that RSI is clearly visible, articulated and highlighted in specific standards and related support materials.
General Workgroup Goals:
Review RSI-related OSCQR standards to see what changes might be necessary are necessary, and provide recommendations for editing these existing OSCQR standards.
Create a dedicated page on the OSCQR website to clarify and target RSI.
Update the OSCQR website materials for specifically identified RSI-related standards with how the standard can assist to meet the requirements of RSI.
Update the community and solicit feedback. (participate on the OTTER Institute panel presentation in August.)
Promote the updated OSCQR standards and materials in Fall 2021 with Online Teaching webinars and Community calls.
The team will meet weekly between June 23 – August 11 – ending with a presentation of the results of the workgroup during the next CPD OTTER Institute on 8/1/21 at 2pm.
Workgroup members include:
SUNY Online: Alexandra Pickett and Rob Piorkowski
Campus Members: Tonka Jokelova (Canton), Jeff Dugan (FLCC) , Martha Greatrix (ESC), Heather Bennet (ESC), Diane Auerbach Lerner(ESC), Alena Rodick (ESC), Tom Capuano (Monroe), Sonja Thomson (ESC), Alena Rodick (ESC).
*Regular and Substantive Interaction documentation taken/adapted from the WCET Policy Playbook: https://www.everylearnereverywhere.org/wp-content/uploads/Policy-Playbook-2020_WCET.pdf
SUNY Online Degrees at Scale: Regular and Substantive Interaction