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Open Ed Week 2018!

Open SUNY, in partnership with SUNY OER Services, is pleased to host and showcase four presentations from our SUNY campuses in celebration of Open Education Week, March 5-9, 2018.

The following webinars are free to attend and do not require advanced registration.

Monday, March 5, 2018
Time: 12:00pm – 12:30pm
Title: OER! A Comparative Study
Presenter: Joshua Zeiders-Weber, Jamestown Community College
Description: In the Fall 2017 semester a basic comparative study between Carnegie Mellon University’s Open Learning Initiative psychology textbook and course and a Cengage Psychology Textbook and Mindtap program was conducted. The findings of the study and other potential implications of OER use in introductory course work will be discussed.


Wednesday, March 7, 2018
Time: 12:00pm – 12:30pm
Title: OpenStax: A Personal Story on Development and Application
Presenters: Ken Podolak, SUNY Plattsburgh
Description: OpenStax College is a non-profit organization that has free textbooks for college courses available to be downloaded from their website. These textbooks are peer-reviewed and developed to match well with current college course textbook’s curriculum. Ken will highlight some the resources in a physics textbook by OpenStax and discuss his role as a content lead developer for OpenStax’s University Physics textbook.


Thursday, March 8, 2018
Time: 12:00pm – 12:30pm
Title: Designating Creative Commons license on items within Blackboard
Presenter: Carol Beckley, Leah Galka, Meghan Pereira, & Brooke Wincklemann – Buffalo State College
Description: This webinar will cover the basics of OER designations, identifying online OER resources, and referencing your own materials as OER.  Step by step instructions will be given on how to classify your own OER materials and how to use the Creative Commons to attach the correct icons to your online or print materials. Time for questions and discussion will follow.


Friday, March 9, 2018
Time: 12:00pm – 12:30pm
Title: MOOC-style Course for Writing Essentials
Presenter: Gillian Paku, SUNY Geneseo
Description: Gillian tailored and edited a SUNY OER composition course to suit the needs of students at SUNY Geneseo, a 4-year liberal arts college. The required first-year writing seminar accommodates about 1000 students per year and the online writing course functions as a largely self-paced co-requisite to that seminar. The seminar component takes place in physical classrooms where students work through college-level writing skills using content and topics chosen by instructors from across the campus. The online course is set up as one inclusive section that takes place entirely online, where Gillian is the sole instructor. In the online course, students work their way through writing concepts that are standardized, suited to online delivery, and that would be difficult to sufficiently provide depth or flexibility to suit every student in the physical classroom space . This online course has allowed us to strike a balance between a flexible writing seminar and the benefits of some standardized concepts and tools. We have been able to report almost 100% success rates in satisfying the course and students earning credit in its first 1.5 semesters.


All sessions can be accessed through the following Zoom link at the dates and times above: OEW session access.

We also encourage you to explore and participate in other open education events happening around the globe: You can learn more about Open Education week and browse projects and resources by visiting the website. You can also follow the conversation on Twitter!

We hope you will take advantage of this opportunity to learn from each other and support your peers!


community, oer, open