COTE Report – September 2015
This report provides an update on Open SUNY COTE activities through September 2015.
GENERAL Initiatives
- Migration is an ongoing commitment and effort – 2012-2017 provided at no cost to SLN campuses migrating from ANGEL.
- Legacy materials – review, revision, adaptation of SLN legacy materials is an ongoing effort.
- Open SUNY Metrics work groups have been convened to determine what and how to collect data to measure usage, impact and effectiveness of our supports, resources, services and initiatives across Open SUNY. The COTE Metrics work group met a number of times. The write up of the report is in progress.
- Working Badging Design Group – we continue to make progress in the design of a comprehensive Badging System that provides a framework for our Online Competency Development program to recognize participation, achievement, engagement, and online competency development.
- Using the Credly:
- We have published 16 badges in the professional development and community engagement categories.
- 9 new badges are about to be distributed. 16 badges total.
- 4 more badges are in the design process.
- 657 badges have been issued – 10% have been shared in Facebook, 90% shared in LinkedIn.
- Exploring partnership with UCF on effective practices (TOPR) and Blendkit.
Open SUNY COTE Pillars:
Online Competency Development
Spring 2015 COTE Professional Development:
- New 2 Online – N2OL: 58 people total have registered for a version of N2OL including facilitated online, self-paced, and observation
- Facilitated online: 12 registered, 6 participated, 4 completed.
- Self-paced: 8 Registrants
- Observation: 37 Registrants
- N2OL Manual has been edited and was used in the N2OL course.
- A revision is in the works to incorporate the OSCQR rubric into the manual.
- 73 people have completed OSCQR training.
- 22 campuses have adopted OSCQR and worked with us to implement a review/refresh program.
- The Online Instructional Designer Certificate Program (Facilitated)
- Course 1: 16 Registered / 13 Completed
- Course 2: 14 Registered / 14 Completed
- Course 3: 13 Registered / 12 Completed
- Course 4: 15 Registered / 12 Completed
- Module 4 has been redesigned to incorporate practice doing course reviews with OSCQR.
- Description:
- Blended Learning
- Self-paced: 9 registered. 6 participated. 5 have accessed all 3 modules. None completed.
- Facilitated online: 13 registered. 9 completed.
- We have coordinated the nominations and approvals for online courses for observation – will be getting those posted soon.
- 13 exemplary online courses have been nominated for observation in Blackboard.
- We currently have 29 exemplary online courses posted for observation in ANGEL.
- We are working with Apps and CPD on creating a Certificate Automation application to distribute certificates/badges automatically to workshop participants.
- OLC – funded and supported by both OLC and CPD – not yet officially announced
- – funded and supported by both OLC and CPD
- Videos filmed at the summit have been edited and are being captioned.
- – Advanced topics, for IDs, for experienced faculty, for administrators.
- Some additional videos have been produced:
- Priorities for Fall 2015 (possible new development)
- Fundamentals – (self-paced) for anyone interested in learning more.
- N2OL f2f
- Revise and Improve your Online Presences – applying the COI for experienced online faculty.
- Blended Learning – (TBD). Possible partnership with UCF/Blendkit.
- Working on process to distribute self-paced and self-serve options.
- Experiential Learning – (TBD) for experienced online instructors.
Community of Practice
- Planning for the 2nd Annual Open SUNY COTE Summit has begun – mark your calendars for February 24-26, 2016 in NY, NY (at the SUNY Global Center).
- Hotel reservations are open now at the DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel Metropolitan – New York City at a rate of $159 per night. 569 Lexington Avenue, New York, New York, United States 10022 Toll-Free Call (800) 836-6471 T1 (212) 752- 7000
- Reference Open SUNY COTE Summit, or booking online, use the Group Code SUN.
- Effective Practices Awards
- – submissions are solicited for 2016.
- Open SUNY Fellows
- 1,119 Open SUNY Fellows have joined COTE since last January:
- Fellow Chats for 2015-2016:
- We have 6 proposals so far.
- Soliciting proposals for the 2015/16 season:
- Average attendance last season=39
- The next Fellow Chat will be presented on September 23.
- Volunteer Program:
- Mentoring Program – soliciting volunteers.
- The Open SUNY COTE Networking Community
- 747 members.
- 31 discussion groups.
- And various discussions.
- The monthly Community call(formerly the SLN ID Community Call) has been transitioned to a new format – calls feature updates from pillars of COTE and pedagogically-focused research presentations and campus showcases.
- Average about 43 participants each month (calculation since January).
- The SLN ID listserv for this group was sunset on June 30.
- A Community Call group was created to take the place of the listserv in the COTE Community. ( – please join!)
- The group currently has 53 members.
- Online Teaching Gazette –
- 5 issues have been curated and published to date.
- Subscribers are increasing by about 20 each month.
- April – 57 subscribers, paper views not recorded – first issue.
- May – 75 subscribers, 792 paper views.
- June – 105 subscribers, 1185 paper views.
- July – 124 subscribers, 1442 paper views.
- August – 142 subscribers, 1846 paper views.
NOTE: Paper views include opening the paper as well as clicking on topics by unique visitor within 24-hour period, also views are cumulative since paper was first launched.
- COTEhub (
- Launched July 6, 2015.
- Google analytics so far: 185 site views, about half are new users and half are returning users.
Course Supports
- Working with 22 campuses (18 + campuses 4 other).
- We have supported the installation of 26 OSCQR campus dashboards.
- 147 self-serve rubrics have been downloaded.
- Working to align the Rubric with Middle States guidelines and the Open SUNY IR process to support program review/self-studies.
- Analytics for the accessibility rubric are being set up.
- In discussions with Librarian Community to engage them in support of online course review and refresh.
- OSCQR training and documentation has been piloted and we are making improvements.
- COTE is now mapping Course Supports and Competency Development processes to Middle State Guidelines for the Evaluation of Distance Education Programs to help campuses report these related activities to Middle States or other accrediting bodies.
- Next Priorities – Next phase of OSCQR
- Course Delivery Rubric
- Specialized Rubric Modules for large format courses, short format courses, lab courses, language courses, skills-based courses, blended learning, MOOC, non-credit.
- Literature Review in progress.
- Annotations for accessibility standards.
CIT – various
Upcoming Presentations:
- From Quality Scorecard to Quality Matters: Leveraging Institutional Readiness to Assess Practice and Lead Change
- Innovación Institucional y Escala: Comunidad, Insignias Digitales, y Rúbrica De Calidad
- The Open SUNY COTE Quality Review (OSCQR) Process and Rubric
- From Quality Scorecard to Quality Matters: Leveraging Institutional Readiness to Assess Practice and Lead Change – panel
NUTN – day 2 of the conf. schedule
Women’s Leadership in Online Learning – Panel
COTE Research
To view your individual campus campus report, or the aggregated results across the system login:
For information on how to access or participate in Open SUNY COTE online faculty and student studies,
Spring 2015 student survey
- 2469 student respondents from 42 SUNY campuses.
- Employment status
- 71% were employed full or part time.
- Online Experience
- 32% were taking an online course for the first time.
- 30% had taken 4 or more online courses.
- 67% would take additional online courses.
- Satisfaction
- 76% were satisfied or very satisfied with their online course.
- 76% indicated that they learned a great deal in their online course.
Spring 2015 faculty survey
- 402 respondents to the Spring 2015 Faculty Survey. (Included both those with little to no online experience and those with online experienced.)
- Online courses can achieve student learning outcomes that are at least equivalent to those of in-person courses at ANY institution.
- Jaschik and Lederman, 2014*, reported that 9% of faculty nationwide strongly agreed with this statement. In contrast 33% of SUNY faculty respondents strongly agreed that online learning outcomes are at least equivalent to classroom outcomes, with a majority of 57% expressing some level of agreement (agree/strongly agree).
- Online courses can achieve student learning outcomes that are at least equivalent to those of in-person courses at MY institution.
- Jaschik and Lederman, 2014*, reported that 13% of faculty nationwide agreed with this statement. In contrast 37% of SUNY faculty strongly agreed with this statement with 66% indicating some level of agreement.
- Online courses can achieve student learning outcomes that are at least equivalent to those of in-person courses in my discipline or department.
- Jaschik and Lederman, 2014*, reported that 12% of faculty nationwide strongly agreed with this statement. Overall 44% of SUNY faculty expressed strong agreement with this statement with another 22% expressing some form of agreement.
- Online courses can achieve student learning outcomes that are at least equivalent to those of in-person courses in the classes I teach.
- Jaschik & Lederman* reported that 14% of faculty nationwide strongly agreed with this statement. Over 52% of SUNY faculty expressed strong agreement with another 19% expressing some form of agreement.
- Online courses can achieve student learning outcomes that are at least equivalent to those of in-person courses at ANY institution. , May 11, 2015.
*Jaschik, S. & Lederman, D. (2014). Faculty attitudes on technology. Inside Higher Education. Downloaded from2015, cote report, cote report september, cote report September 2015, initiatives, initiatives 2015, projects, projects 2015, report