Interested in Teaching Online?


MainPage_AssessmentsThere is a short quiz associated with each module in this course. There are no grades associated with these quizzes, but we encourage you to take these quizzes and review the associated feedback to help you better understand key concepts as you progress.

You can take these quizzes at any time, and feel free to check your understanding before reading through the course materials, and again when you have completed each module.

MODULE 1: The Landscape

The quiz for this module covers the basic terminology of online teaching and learning, what it means to teach online within an SUNY Online context, and common misconceptions and assumptions about teaching online.

Check Your Understanding of Module 1 Concepts

MODULE 2: Competencies

The quiz for this module covers the skills, proficiencies and approaches that are central to teaching online courses that promote learner success and engagement.

Check Your Understanding of Module 2 Concepts

MODULE 3: Effective Practices

The quiz for this module covers the practices of course planning, course delivery, and management, as well as the accessibility and compliance issues that come into play when teaching online.

Check Your Understanding of Module 3 Concepts