Project Outcomes

Displaying 36 - 40 of 275

Enhancing Student Success in Potsdam’s Hybrid History Courses

James German



Tier Two

Amount of Award:$20,000.00

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Project Summary:

Development, implementation and assessment of technologies (SMS, social media, lecture capture) that enhance student success by increasing interactivity, accessibility, and options in SUNY Potsdam's large enrollment history hybrid courses.

Project Outcome:

Course redesign effort demonstrated a total .69 gain in grade outcomes when coupled to social media use as detailed in presentations, as well as student perceptions of use and convenience of social media course integration.

Project Outcome Report

Gestural Melody: New Learning Tools for Musical Composition

Keith Landa



Tier One

Amount of Award:$9,979.00

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Project Summary:

Use of iPads to sketch out melodies without constraints of formal composition notation tools, and develop an app.

Project Outcome:

A full download of the source code for app development is available.

Project Outcome Report

SUNY Healthcare Island: Exploring a Virtual SUNY Community of Healthcare Learners

Hope Windle

Ulster County Community College


Tier Two

Amount of Award:$19,925.00

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Project Summary:

Use of Second Life for collaborative case studies in a virtual hospital, learning critical thinking skills with intent to design and implement additional case studies and assessment to address progress, successes and challenges.

Project Outcome:

Journal articles, project details and a detailed presentation of the student experience with a Second Life healthcare island is available .

Project Outcome Report

Observations of Students in Clinical Settings via iPads

Pam Youngs-Maher

Upstate Medical University


Tier Three

Amount of Award:$25,640.00

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Project Summary:

Use of iPads to observe real time patient encounters and feedback to participating students in multiple health professions. Written feedback documented outcomes in a web-based database.

Project Outcome:

Faculty cohort (n=16) in health professions (Nursing, PT, Pediatrics) report FaceTime can be effective for use in Grand Rounds. Report includes issues regarding secure network connectivity within hospital environments to ensure HIPPA compliance.

Project final report

Giving/Getting Access to Scholarly and Instructional Material

Mary Jo Orzech



Tier One

Amount of Award:$5,000.00

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Project Summary:

Support of a day long workshop to investigate issues of scholarly publication and instructional materials.

Project Outcome:

Workshop speakers focused on shared resources, copyright, open scholarship and copyright clearance. The workshop outcomes are available.

Project Outcome Report