Project Outcomes

Displaying 196 - 200 of 275

Interactive Program Design Website: Supporting Innovations, Technologies and Professional Development

Dr. Nan Travers, Director, Center for Leadership in Credentialing Learning

Empire State College


Tier One

Amount of Award:$10,000.00

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Project Summary:

This project will create an interactive academic program design website to build SUNY-wide strategic direction in programmatic offerings, while bolstering campus constituents’ knowledge, skills and confidence in design, implementation, and sustainability of new initiatives to meet higher educational demands of the 21st century.

Project Outcome:

This project planned an interactive web-based portal to house innovation projects across SUNY. As a result, existing projects that impact access will be more accessible to others for expanding capabilities, dissemination and scaling. We have also been accepted as a Tier 3 IITG project for 2018-19 to implement the plans for an interactive portal and open resource repository on innovative projects across SUNY: Academic Sharing Community: A SUNY Catalog of Educational Projects and Innovative Initiatives (ASC SUNY). This should provide us with the ability to take the plans into a scalable project. Ongoing support of the project still needs to be determined.

Project Outcome Report

Advancing Metaliteracy in a Post-Truth World through the Design of a Global MOOC

Dr. Thomas Mackey

Empire State College


Tier Three

Amount of Award:$60,000.00

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Project Summary:

This global MOOC entitled Empowering Yourself in a Post-Truth World will prepare learners to be reflective, critical consumers and active, well-informed producers and participants in today’s connected yet divisive digital information environment.

Project Outcome:

Project Outcome Report

Blockchain Badging - Coursera-to-Credit

Ms. Amy Moore

University at Buffalo


Tier Three

Amount of Award:$60,000.00

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Project Summary:

Leveraging a highly anticipated Coursera Blockchain Specialization, UB computer science faculty propose piloting a new process to transform Coursera-issued Verified Certificates into a UB Digital Badge, which for some learners, when coupled to their professional background, may lead to academic credit through a prior learning assessment (PLA) process to further a micro-credentialing or degree program effort.

Project Outcome:

Project Outcome Report

Academic Sharing Community: A SUNY Catalog of Educational Projects and Innovative Initiatives (ASC SUNY)

Dr. Nan Travers

Empire State College


Tier Three

Amount of Award:$60,000.00

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Project Summary:

The Academic Sharing Community: A SUNY Catalog of Educational Projects and Innovative Initiatives (ASC SUNY) serves as a repository for campus initiatives, while providing guidance for project development and assessment and ways to network and partner across SUNY to help institutions meet demands of the 21st century.

Displaying Transformation to the World: Global Learning Micro-credentials and Digital Badges

Dr. Susan Jagendorf-Sobierajski

Cobleskill, College of Agriculture & Technology


Tier Three

Amount of Award:$40,000.00

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Project Summary:

A consortium of SUNY universities and colleges, led by SUNY Cobleskill, and with the support of the SUNY Office of Global Affairs and the COIL Center, seek to produce the infrastructure to assess and credential competencies that students attain in global learning programs.

Project Outcome:

Project Outcome Report