Student Mediated Video Lecture Capture

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Video lecture capture provides a complete audio and visual record of course sessions. It enables students to review course material, prepare for exams, and access classes they may have missed in whole or part. Using inexpensive consumer grade equipment without the necessity of a camera operator, and ClassX, an open-source system developed at Stanford, the viewer has complete pan and zoom control over the image that is displayed. The viewer can select any portion of the image, such as the screen or the board, for enlargement, and can dynamically change the selected portion.

Giving/Getting Access to Scholarly and Instructional Material

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A one-day conference, Friday, October 26, 2012, at The College at Brockport will help faculty and researchers understand and safeguard intellectual property rights in producing and consuming information. The May 2012 federal court decision in the closely-watched Georgia State case makes the conversation especially timely. The program will include discussion of the copyright and licensing environments in general, and alternatives to current models including the open access movement.

Design and Testing of Laboratory Instruction Management System (LIMS)

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We propose to introduce a Laboratory Instruction Management System by implementation of electronic notebooks and computerizing data acquisition. Students will plan and document all aspects of an experiment; laboratory instructions will be incorporated into a notebook template and adjusted at the time of preparation for a new experiment. ELN is accessible to the instructor at any step; the report creation will be automatic. Instructor will be able to make the corrections directly in the ELN. Successful completion of this project should serve as a pattern for implementation of LIMS in the educational laboratory environment.

Hybridization: Transforming to a Hybrid Foreign Language Instructional Model

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Awarded Grant: $9,600 Principal Investigator: Rose McEwen, Geneseo This project entails assessing the viability and effectiveness of transforming the three foreign language courses that satisfy SUNY Geneseo’s GEN ED requirement from traditional, face-to-face teaching/learning formats to a hybrid, Quia-powered online model. Using Geneseo’s Spanish language courses as the prototype for other languages, the project evaluates the process of adopting ACTFL-based proficiency measurements to the assessment of the effectiveness of hybrid beginning- and intermediate-level courses (in comparison with traditional instruction models) in the development of the four foreign language skills: speaking, writing,listening and reading. Co-PI’s and Key Partners: Ms. Felisa Brea, Lecturer of Spanish, Department of Languages and Literatures, SUNY Geneseo Mr. Bill Heller, Lecturer of Spanish and Department’s Assessment Coordinator, Department of Languages and Literatures, SUNY Geneseo Reports and Resources: Final Report: Chronicles the process of implementing this project, including the project’s background, as well as the challenges encountered, and the resultant findings and conclusions. Powerpoint presentation, with charts that highlight the data and information described in the final report. Project outcomes report Creative Commons License: