A Virtual Instrumental Analysis Laboratory (VIAL) for Buffalo State and Open SUNY

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Awarded Grant: $10,000 Principal Investigator: Dr. Jinseok Heo, Buffalo State College This project will develop a Virtual Instrumental Analysis Laboratory (VIAL) for Buffalo State and SUNY campuses. Thanks to a newly built science building, the Department of Chemistry at Buffalo State is now equipped with major up-to-dated analytical instruments for use in advanced chemical analysis, forensic investigation, and materials characterization. We will examine how we might help students and others learn to successfully collect and analyze data obtainable on our analytical instruments. The VIAL platform will initially be used to provide online-based experiences for those who need training before they actually use an advanced instrument. We will assess the effectiveness of the VIAL for students’ gaining knowledge and skills in using the analytical instruments. Furthermore, we will also try to demonstrate that the analytical instruments can be remotely controlled, so that off-campus users can directly benefit from our advanced facilities. Co-PI’s and Key Partners: Dr. Alexander Nazarenko, Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry, Buffalo State College Dr. M. Scott Goodman, Associate Professor and Chair, Department of Chemistry, Buffalo State College Dr. Jaime Kim, Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry, Buffalo State College Reports and Resources: Project outcomes report Project outcomes report 2.0 CIT 2014 presentation 2014 IUCr Conference presentation Mid-project report Tutorial videos on how to use analytical instruments were created and used in several undergraduate classes. Raman tutorial 01, Thermo DXR Raman basics Raman tutorial 02, How to use OMNIC1 Raman tutorial 03, How to use OMNIC2 Raman tutorial 04, How to use Atlus Raman tutorial 05, How to use MCR How to use Brucker Avance III 400 MHZ NMR How to use Agilent GC 7890A How to use Agilent GC-MS How to use Shimadzu GC2014 Creative Commons License:   

Towards OPEN SUNY: A Novel On-line Learning Approach for ECE and ET Students

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Awarded Grant: $6,000 Principal Investigator: Mohammed Abdallah, SUNYIT Online learning is the optimal solution for many students. However, current online learning approaches in engineering curriculum may lack some of the components necessary for experiential “hands-on” lab-based learning.  This project will prove the concept of the possibility of separating the hardware from the software side by removing the software access burden to various tool components through campus-based hosting while maintaining the access to local hardware. Students will be able to interact with local hardware and learn from the device engagement and interacting in the same manner their on-campus peers do. Co-PI’s and Key Partners: Nick Merante, Instructional Support Assistant, Systems Administrator, Adjunct Lecturer, SUNYIT Reports and Resources: Mid-project report Project outcomes report Project outcomes report 2.0 PPT presentation Creative Commons License:

SUNY Writing Across the Curriculum Online Resource Center

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Awarded Grant: $19,500 Principal Investigator: Rachel Rigolino, SUNY New Paltz This project supports designing and piloting an online site where instructors from across the disciplines can access resources for teaching and writing. A survey of existing repositories such as OER Commons and MERLOT reveals a need for an online site containing instructional material of consistent quality that is dedicated to WAC assignments/goals. If successful, this pilot program would be the first step in developing a robust site housed on the SUNY Learning Commons. This online repository would contain open educational resources focused on writing across the curriculum that would be available both to SUNY and non-SUNY faculty. Co-PI’s and Key Partners: Matt Newcomb, Assistant Professor, English, SUNY New Paltz Mary Fakler, Lecturer, English, SUNY New Paltz Joan Perisse, Adjunct Instructor, English, SUNY New Paltz Lynne Crockett, Professor, English, SUNY Sullivan Linda Smith, Instructional Technology Coordinator, Academic Computing, SUNY New Paltz Kathryn Hurd, Instructional Support Staff, Academic Computing, SUNY New Paltz Reports and Resources: CIT 2014 brochure SUNY New Paltz Campus Article Project website Mid-project report Project outcomes report Project outcomes report 2.0 Creative Commons License:   

Rural Schools Virtual Project [RSVP]: Expanding Access to Advanced & Elective Online Coursework

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Awarded Grant: $19,000 Principal Investigator: Thomas Giblin, SUNY Brockport The Rural Schools Virtual Project [RSVP] has several outcome goals, including: 1. Creation of a partnership model for rural schools and teacher education colleges throughout SUNY; 2. Expanded course offerings for students in rural schools; 3. Expanded teacher candidate opportunities, specifically focused on online k-12 teaching and learning. With the assistance of SUNY IITG funding, the PI and Co-PI will: a) Recruit one secondary teacher in a rural school and two teacher candidates at the College at Brockport, to collaboratively teach one high school course not available at each rural school site (e.g. through the VHS Collaborative). b) Visit the participating teacher with teacher candidates in Fall 2013. c) Supervise teacher candidates as they observe, assist, and learn to teach online with the rural secondary teacher online during Spring 2014. Reports and Resources: Final project report Article in the Journal of Educational Technology Systems Mid-project report Project outcomes report Creative Commons License: