ePortfiolo Resources and Research

Below are resources for your use on ePortfolios. This is far from an exhausted list; many more can be found on the web.


The Association for Authentic, Experiential, & Evidence-Based Learning 

Catalyst for Learning

American Association of Colleges & Universities

Articles on ePortfolio Assessments

A Comprehensive Approach to Assessment of High-Impact Practices

Using ePortfolios to Document and Deepen: The Impact of HIPs on Learning Dispositions

Evolving the Loop: The Role of ePortfolio in Building 21st Century Student Learning Outcomes

Increasing Equity through Self-Relevant ePortfolio Writing by Singer-Freeman, K. & Bastone, L.

Ungrading and Portfolios

Jesse Strommel https://www.jessestommel.com/ungrading-an-introduction/
Sean Michael Morris https://www.seanmichaelmorris.com/when-we-talk-about-grading-we-are-talking-about-people/

Laura Gibbs talk on Giving Feedback https://hybridpedagogy.org/feedback/
Andrew Moos article in the Journal of Writing Assessment: The Injustice of Opportunity: Clarence DeWitt Thorpe, Articulation, and the Inter-Institutional Ecology of Writing AssessmentMoos, Andrewhttps://escholarship.org/uc/jwa

esources on Contract Grading/Journal articles available at: https://www.digitalpedagogylab.com/

Jeff Pruchnic and Ellen Barton’s article The Effects of Student-Fashioning and Teacher-Pleasing in the Assessment of First-Year Writing Reflective Essay shttps://escholarship.org/uc/item/3c26v2hh

Additional Resources

E-Portfolios: Best Practices for Use in Higher Education (University of Calgary)

ePortfolios Explained: Theory & Practice

ePortfolios: Process & Product

Auburn ePortfolio Project

ePortfolios: A Best Practices Guide for Faculty


Creating Significant Learning Environments: Examples of Student Portfolios

It’s About Learning: Examples of ePortfolios

ePortfolios in Use at Skyline College (CA) (includes assessments)

ePortfolios in Use at University of Waterloo (Canada)
