Project Outcomes

Displaying 6 - 10 of 275

Design Digital Concierge for SUNY Learning Common: Pedagogical Rich Reusable Learning Object

R Hope Adams

Empire State College


Tier One

Amount of Award:$5,000.00

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Project Summary:

A workshop to design, develop, and implement pedagogically rich reusable learning objects (RLO), which can be shared via SUNY Learning Commons. The workshop will consider instructional delivery models, case studies, and using technical tools to design, develop, and create a RLO in any content/curricular area.

Project Outcome:

Workshop files and a publication from JETDE is posted on the outcomes website describing an example of deep learning in an MBA curriculum through use of reusable learning objects.

Project Outcome Report

Developing an Informed Community of People Who Are Interested in Advancing 3D Virtual World Instruction

John Cabra

Buffalo State College


Tier One

Amount of Award:$10,000.00

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Project Summary:

Use of Qube software to facilitate active learning in a creativity course. Includes research of effectiveness and recommendations.

Project Outcome:

Journal article and three YouTube videos demonstrate use of Qube for collaboration on outcomes webpage.

Project Outcome Report

Presentations Unplugged: Mobile Devices in the Classroom

Tom Blake

Binghamton University


Tier One

Amount of Award:$9,758.00

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Project Summary:

Pilot investigation of "anytime-anywhere" use of mobile devices in the classroom by students and faculty.

Project Outcome:

During the funding timeframe, significant challenges were encountered to enable objectives on an enterprise network. The PI offers other solutions through publications as this technology matures.

Project Outcome report

Learner eXperience Designers (LXD) Exploring the Feasibility of Badging

Beth Burns

Buffalo State College


Tier Two

Amount of Award:$20,000.00

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Project Summary:

The Learner eXperience Designers (LXD), will spearhead the exploration of integrating badging on campus and in higher education. Specifically, the LXD are committed to evaluating the logistics and effectiveness of badging in three specific areas: within a course, within a student training program, and within professional development.

Project Outcome:

Through our exploration of badging in three areas: in an open course, in a help desk training program, and in faculty development, we came up with a badging application that could be used by the SUNY community in order to easily incorporate the course badging process onto campuses.

Project Outcome Report (with important links and files)

Development & Validation of SUNY Prep: Learner Preparedness Survey

Melissa Miszkiewicz

Buffalo State College


Tier Two

Amount of Award:$20,000.00

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Project Summary:

Development and validation of an instrument designed to predict student success based on individual learner characteristics and the learner’s level of engagement with information and communication technology (ICT). The outcome of Phase One is a validated instrument and scoring rubric to assess learner readiness (SUNY Prep, Learner Preparedness Survey) in online environments.

Project Outcome:

Project outcomes provide a foundation for a new instrument to assess learner characteristics and success in online learning.