CITE: Collaborate Interactive Table for Education

Ana Jofre

Project Team
  • Dr. Ibrahim Yucel
  • Dr. Kristina A. Boylan
  • Dr. Michael J. Reale
  • Nick LeJeune

SUNY Polytechnic Institute


Tier Two


Project Abstract:

In this project, we will construct CITE (the Collaborative Interactive Tabletop for Education) prototype. Using CITE, we will generate a recommended deployment plan and set of best practices, based on case studies from three testbed classroom applications. These applications will target three disciplines: game development, data visualization, and designs for universal learning. CITE will be constructed from the bottom-up, using commodity hardware and open-license software. This will give participating students design and building experience. Unlike other systems of the same kind, our model will avoid using specialized hardware, which makes the technology more adaptable and affordable. Our research will explore multiple input modalities (such as gestural input), and we will develop a flexible system that allows users to customize the components and interactions according to their own needs, which may potentially address accessibility issues.