Genesee Community College Justice Technology Center

Karen Wicka

Project Team
  • Jay Bushen
  • Steven C. Sharpe

Genesee Community College


Tier Two


Project Abstract:

In this ever-changing world, a technology trained workforce is essential, especially in criminal justice. Law enforcement agencies are increasing partnering with learning institutions to ensure that prospective employees possess the necessary technological skills for employment. This application requests support for a Justice Technology Center to prepare students for the multiple technological skills necessary to maximize performance in the criminal justice field. We propose partnering internally with the Rural Police Academy, the Paralegal and Campus Safety departments, and externally with county sheriffs’ departments and with the New York Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Services to create a fully immersive learning environment where students actively participate in state-of-the-art training, providing opportunities for students to practice procedures in a safe environment. A 911 Simulator with a corresponding interactive curriculum will not only encourage students to utilize higher-order critical thinking but will increase enrollment and retention rates by encouraging interactive engagement in both teaching and learning. A stackable micro-credentialing certification also will be created, enabling students to complete courses earning “badges,” combine “badges” to pursue a Criminal Justice Certificate or continue to pursue a Criminal Justice A.A.S. degree. All implementation and planning processes, interactive curriculum, materials and project outcomes will be digitally shared through Open SUNY and at various academic conferences throughout the State. This Justice Technology Center will be a prototype for the creation of similar active learning environments and other emergency telecommunicator certification programs throughout the SUNY system.