MOOC for Myanmar: Creativity in Context

Dr. John Cabra

Project Team
  • Carol Julian
  • Dr. Melanie Perreault

Buffalo State College


Tier Two


Project Abstract:

SUNY's International Center for Studies in Creativity (ICSC) values preparing students for meaningful civic engagement in a global society. As part of its vision to “Ignite Creativity Around the World” the ICSC is offering an annual Social Innovation Service-Learning course in Myanmar to apply creative problem-solving skills to complex social challenges. To support the subsequent delivery of this annual course, the ICSC would like to develop a language translation of its MOOC, beyond subtitles, that would be made available to Burmese people in Myanmar and immigrants world-wide. This adapted MOOC would give people in Myanmar access to important learning both before and after their in-person service learning experiences with SUNY students. A graduate of the ICSC master’s of science degree in creative studies has supportive ties with Myanmar non-profits, members of parliament, and Myanmar's State Chancellor. The hope here is to position the MOOC as a seedbed to larger projects.

Project Outcome:

Project Outcome Report