Increasing Technology-Based Pedagogy in Graduate Nursing Students Using the TPACK Model

Cheryle Levitt

Project Team
  • Kirsty Digger, SUNY Delhi
  • Michelle Rogers-Estable, SUNY Delhi
  • Mary Pat Lewis, SUNY Delhi

Adirondack Community College


Tier Two


Project Abstract:

Nursing education in the United States is experiencing a significant faculty shortage. Causative factors include aging faculty who are approaching retirement, significant faculty vacancies in nursing schools, and limited capacity to admit thousands of qualified students, due to insufficient faculty. With 38 campuses offering nursing, SUNY can actively prepare more nursing educators to teach in online or blended environments. This would cross geographic boundaries and diminish barriers to recruiting qualified faculty. However, many nursing faculty lack sufficient skills in digital pedagogy and are not ready to prepare students for roles in technology-rich healthcare environments. The purpose of this project is to increase technology- based pedagogical skills in graduate nursing education students through development and implementation of an online training program, framed by the TPACK model. This program will improve preparation of digitally fluent nursing educators, support Open SUNY goals, and ultimately be shared across SUNY nursing programs in a MOOC format.

Project Outcome:

Outcomes TBD (August 2016)