SUNY Open Educational Resources: Improving Faculty Discovery and Adoption

Terry Keys and Mark McBride

Project Team
  • Alison Brown, SUNY Geneseo
  • Sam Abramovich, University at Buffalo

Monroe Community College


Tier Three


Project Abstract:

Monroe Community College (MCC) proposes a IITG project to design and deploy a library service model to increase faculty participation in SUNY Open Educational Resources (OER) and improve OER adoption system- wide. The purpose of the project is to build on the traditional strengths of SUNY campus libraries by supporting faculty in OER discovery and adoption. The new service model will give faculty access to discovery tools through SUNY Affordable Learning Solutions and Lumen Learning; modularize and improve interoperability and multimedia in the collection of existing Open SUNY textbooks; and embed assessments in OER courses. Project outcomes will increase OER adoption, improve OER alignment with course learning outcomes; and increase student completion and success in OER courses. The project will address priorities identified by SUNY partners: University of Buffalo, Colleges at Geneseo, Brockport, Buffalo, Suffolk, Environmental Science and Forestry, Fulton-Montgomery Community College, Tompkins Cortland Community College, and industry partner Lumen Learning.

Project Outcome:

The impact OER has had on student learning has been impressive. At both Herkimer and TC3 (two of the project partners) there has been an increase in student class retention.

Project Outcome Report