IITG Reviewer Volunteer Form
Thank you for volunteering to serve as an IITG reviewer! You may find it helpful to review the RFP and evaluation rubric.
Depending on the response, reviewers are assigned approximately 4-8 proposals each, with past reviewers reporting 4-8 hours spent reviewing and providing feedback. Reviewers are not assigned “home campus” proposals, and are obligated to report any potential conflicts of interest.
The IITG administrative team follows principles that ensure each proposal is reviewed by both faculty and instructional support staff. All proposals are ranked and then forwarded to the SUNY Provost’s staff for a secondary review which leads to funding recommendations to the Provost. By expanding the pool of reviewers, we hope to maximize expertise in service of IITG reviewers.
If you have any questions, please forward them to iitgrants@suny.edu.