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Multimedia Innovation Instruction Technology (MIIT)

Awarded Grant: $10,000

Principal Investigator:

Christine Faraday, Nassau Community College

The goal of this project is to encourage collaborative student work that is enhanced by web 2.0 tools. Currently group projects can be a frustrating process for faculty and students due to space and monetary limitations. This project would create a space within the library to house a media:scape mini collaborative station to allow students to easily connect mobile devices and share information. During this pilot phase, students will be asked to use the media:scape mini to participate in a specific campus-wide project. This project will be part of this year’s Campus-Wide theme “Speak, Memory” and will require students to create a video or Pinterest board based on one of the books connected to this project. Selected videos and boards will be showcased on the “Speak, Memory” LibGuide which is used by faculty across campus to stimulate ideas for infusing the theme into classes and activities.

Co-PI’s and Key Partners:

Marsha Spiegelman, Professor, Library Department, Nassau Community College

Reports and Resources:

Creative Commons License:

Attribution Non-Commercial Use