Application Questions
How may I learn more about the application process?
Can multiple proposals be submitted from a campus?
Can multiple proposals be submitted from an individual?
What is the deadline for submissions?
How do I submit my application?
Is campus approval required when submitting a grant?
Is there a template for a letter of support?
Is department chair approval required when submitting a grant?
How many PIs are needed?
If we are a team applying for a grant, can/do we all have online access to the grant application?
What if I need to make corrections to my grant application?
Can I save my application during the process and return to it?
Are there examples of successful past IITG proposals available to view?
Budget Questions
I don’t deal with finances or purchasing very often. What do I need to know about IITG funds?
Can an institution partner with a non-SUNY campus (or other entity)?
Can we work with vendors outside of New York State? International?
May I sub-contract a portion of my work to a vendor?
When do funds need to be expended by?
Do I need to include any campus overhead in my budget? (e.g., Income Fund Reimbursable (IFR))
Do I need to run this proposal through my local campus Research Foundation office?
Do I need to follow state procurement guidelines and get competitive bids for any materials supporting my proposal?
Can this grant be used to fund faculty salary recovery (course buy-out) or other types of personnel expense (e.g., student assistance)?
Can a portion of my salary or my student’s salary be considered “in-kind”?
May I budget funds from this grant for Summer Salary or extra service compensation (particularly in cases where reduced course load is not an option in my department)?
When is extra service applicable?
Do we need to pay individuals at their state salary rate?
Do we need to calculate benefits as part of personnel expenditures?
Are there any limits on how much can be spent on equipment vs. salary?
Can these funds be used to support travel?
Can we submit our application independently and serve as our own fiscal agent if we collaborate with another campus, or must there be only one fiscal agent for all partnering campuses?
Administrative Questions
I don’t deal with finances or purchasing very often. What do I need to know about IITG funds?
Are FACT2 representatives eligible to apply for a grant?
Are FACT2 representatives required to be listed as a collaborator on the grant?
I have more questions about SUNY FACT2 – How do I locate my campus representative?
What is required from me if I receive a grant?
What are the ways I can share the outcomes of my project?
What is Foundant?
What is the process for determining grant winners?
I was working on my application when the computer crashed. It only saved part of my application – how can I avoid this?
When will applicants be notified about funding decisions?
If the expanded FAQ does not meet your needs, please contact IITGrants@suny.edu and we will respond to your specific concern. We appreciate your use of this email address for all inquiries in order to track questions and concerns for future reference.