Application Questions
How may I learn more about the application process?
Visit Application & Program Support to access details, including a “Quick Start” application portal guide and the IITG informational session webinar recording and slide deck.
Can multiple proposals be submitted from a campus?
Can multiple proposals be submitted from an individual?
What is the deadline for submissions?
All grant proposals must be submitted electronically no later than 11:59 pm Friday, February 17, 2023.
How do I submit my application?
First, create an online account – and follow the directions. You may print the questions as a guide and create responses in a word processor. A tutorial guide to create an account may be viewed here.
Is campus approval required when submitting a grant?
Yes, you must certify in the application (or upload a letter of support) that your campus executive leadership is aware of, and supports this proposal – particularly when matching or in-kind funds are involved.
Is there a template for a letter of support?
No, but a statement example would be, “John Q. Public, (president, vice president, CIO, dean) has reviewed this proposal and endorses it as submitted, as well as agreeing to abide by the campus commitments specified in the proposal.”
Is department chair approval required when submitting a grant?
Not when submitting a grant, though your chair may wish to provide a letter of support. It is assumed that the PI (and any co-PI’s) will consult with any department(s) that may be called upon to support the proposal, including any technical support commitments. Please do not circumvent any step of your internal consultation process in order to ensure a timely contract process should you receive funding. It is anticipated that the final award contract will require signatures from the PI, department chair (or dean), the department or campus financial officer affiliated with the account, and Chief Academic Officer (or designee, -president, vice -president, CIO, -dean).
There is no set number.
If we are a team applying for a grant, can/do we all have online access to the grant application?
No, only one team member should submit the proposal. It is recommended that you print out the question guide and collaborate in advance, then “cut & paste” your agreed-upon responses into the online application.
What if I need to make corrections to my grant application?
You can save your application in “draft” form until it is ready for final submission. Be sure your application is complete before final submission.
Can I save my application during the process and return to it?
Yes, but we recommend that you download the application form, then “cut & paste” content from a word document into the system in order to maintain a local copy to ensure against any unanticipated technology failures. Your file is stored in a draft form online until you submit it.
Are there examples of successful past IITG proposals available to view?
Yes, exemplars of past projects that illustrate either direct transformational impact or have strong potential for large scale collaborations can be found here.