Course Eligibility

Requirements to make a course eligible for the Language Consortium:

  • Course and faculty must have been approved for online education according to the campus policies and standards. Where campus-based approval is unavailable, Consortium faculty with expertise in the SUNY Online Course Quality Rubric (OSCQR) are available for online course reviews. 
  • The course delivery format must be clearly stated and be fully online, not requiring physical presence on the host campus at any set time, whether synchronous or asynchronous. Please use the following SUNY nomenclature conventions to categorize your course offering.
  • Instruction must be at least 90% in the target language.
  • We recommend the course align with ACTFL proficiency standards according to the following scale:

Course Level

ACTFL standard outcome range

100 level courses

Novice-Mid to Novice-High

200 level courses

Novice-High to Intermediate-Mid

300 level courses

Intermediate-Mid to Advanced-Low

400 level courses

Advanced-Low to Advanced-Mid