The thirteen SUNY comprehensive colleges have developed the languages consortium policies and are piloting the course sharing via SUNY Online, using cross registration (see Governance for details). Students may take an approved online language course at any of the other comprehensive colleges, using cross registration, without costing the student anything, and without tuition dollars moving with the student. As compensation, the receiving campus counts the increase in enrollment.
Language chairs must approve any student enrolling via the consortium to ensure the course:
- is not offered on the student’s home campus that semester, and
- will satisfy any local requirement the student is seeking to fulfill, whether for gen ed, a major, or a minor.
Campuses are encouraged to offer online language courses through the consortium. To list a course, it must be:
- fully online, but may contain synchronous elements
- approved for online delivery
- taught 90% or more in the target language
- submitted to SUNY Online via your campus distance learning contact. DL contacts regularly submit course files to the SUNY Online course navigator using a spreadsheet. The last column in the spreadsheet (after Delivery Method) should be labeled cat_id. If the course has been reviewed by the SUNY Languages Consortium, a “3” is entered in the cat_id column. (See example)
For full policies about the languages consortium pilot see Course Eligibility.