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Virtual Infrastructure for Data Intensive Analysis (VIDIA)

Awarded Grant: $58,000

Principal Investigator:

Steven M. Gallo, University at Buffalo

The storage and analysis of large datasets culled from social media such as Facebook and Twitter can easily grow to a size that is beyond the capability of commonly used software tools to analyze within an acceptable amount of time. Primarily Undergraduate Institutions (PUI) typically do not have the computing and networking infrastructure or support personnel needed to allow students to create, manipulate, and analyze large multi-terabyte datasets. The SUNY Research Centers, therefore, have an active role to play in supporting data-intensive computing education and analysis at SUNY’s PUIs. In order to provide the tools necessary to expose students to state-of-the-art data-intensive computing and analysis techniques, the Center for Computational Research (CCR) at the University at Buffalo (UB) and SUNY Oneonta will partner to pilot the establishment of a collaborative virtual community, focusing initially on data-intensive computing education in the social sciences.

Co-PI’s and Key Partners:

Matthew D. Jones, Ph.D. Associate Director, Center for Computational Research – University at Buffalo
Cynthia D. Cornelius, Senior Programmer/Analyst, Center for Computational Research – University at Buffalo
Jeanette M. Sperhac, Scientific Programmer, Center for Computational Research – University at Buffalo
Brian M. Lowe, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Sociology – SUNY Oneonta
Gregory Fulkerson, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Sociology – SUNY Oneonta
William Wilkerson, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Political Science – SUNY Oneonta
Brett Heindl, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Political Science – SUNY Oneonta
Achim Koeddermann, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Philosophy and Environmental Sciences – SUNY Oneonta
James Greenberg, Director, Teaching, Learning and Technology Center (TLTC) – SUNY Oneonta

Reports and Resources:

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