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Implementation and Evaluation of Micro-Credentials on the Pharmacists' Patient Care Process in Pharmacy and Pharmacy Technician Programs: Promoting Patient-Centered Care.

Robert Wahler

Project Team

University at Buffalo


Tier Three


Project Abstract:

Accreditation standards for both Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD) and Pharmacy Technician (PharmTech) education include incorporating the Pharmacists’ Patient Care Process (PPCP). A 2018 IITG project developed content for micro-credentials on the PPCP through a collaboration of the University at Buffalo and Binghamton University PharmD programs and the SUNY Erie PharmTech program. The objective of the 2018 IITG project of developing flexible, stackable modules to enhance teaching and learning with content relevant for diverse institutions was achieved. This proposal will implement the PPCP micro-credentials, including development of an effort-reducing electronic submission framework to sustain the use of micro-credentials. The innovation’s ability to larger-scale PPCP education will be evaluated throughout this project (content knowledge, value and appropriateness of assessments, time/ease of completion, and usability of the electronic submission framework, faculty load reduction). Assessment results will be used to further develop content with continued collaboration by the programs involved.