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iSucceed: The First Year College Experience

Prof. James Jensen, Professor and Director of Undergraduate Studies, Environmental Engineering

Project Team
  • Christine Gray Tinnesz, Ph.D.
  • Fabio Escobar, Ph.D.
  • Cynthia Tysick, MLS, Associate Librarian
  • Lisa Stephens, PhD, Sr. Strategist – Academic Innovation
  • Matthew Ardila-Weigand, Ph.D.
  • Ken Fujiuchi, MS
  • Martha Greatrix, MS
  • Aimee M. Woznick, Ph.D.

University at Buffalo


Tier Three


Project Abstract:

A student’s transition to college is fraught with unexpected challenges. During their first year, college students require a host of skills that they may not have adequately developed or “exercised” in high school which are crucial to college-level learning and academic success. “iSucceed” will enable a group of campuses to invite entering students to explore their “college readiness” in a manner that provides diagnostic feedback both to the student and their academic advisors. Web based OER tools (which can be integrated into campus LMS) coupled to brief video modules (which will be shared via a MOOC) will focus on notetaking, time management, critical reading, information literacy, critical thinking, academic integrity, written communication and academic community engagement. Remediation will be campus/sector-specific to bridge general skill building with campus-specific intervention planning.

Project Outcome: