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Open Door to Open SUNY (ODOS): MOOC multi-dimensional subgroups, prediction, and implementation project

Christine Kroll

Project Team
  • Cyndi Burnett, Buffalo State College
  • Gregory Fabiano, University at Buffalo
  • Yvonne D. Harrison, University at Buffalo
  • Margaret Schedel, Stony Brook University
  • In-Gu Kang, University at Buffalo

University at Buffalo


Tier Three


Project Abstract:

Open SUNY Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) are designed by top ranked faculty, offered free or of little cost, and unlike degree programs they do not require a long term commitment, paperwork, or application fees. MOOCs present a distinct opportunity to attract new students to SUNY who may transition to enrolling in a traditional SUNY certificate or degree program. As a 2015 IITG recipient, our multi-campus Open Door to Open SUNY (ODOS) research team is seeking funding to build upon our preliminary research in an effort to support the Open SUNY Affordable Learning Solutions MOOC operations team while further positioning SUNY as a thought leader in the MOOC research arena. Due to the wide range of ages, locations, educational background, etc. of MOOC participants, much of the current literature is focused on the identification of subgroups in an effort to strengthen MOOC design and provide more customized support to students. These subgroups are predominately being identified using a single method design. The ODOS team will use a MULTI-METHOD ANALYSIS in support of our three goals: identify patterns to support improved student learning behaviors and performance in newly identified multi-dimensional subgroups, develop evidence-based pedagogical recommendations to strengthen MOOC course design, and create a SUNY-wide MOOC prediction model designed to improve student ACCESS, COMPLETION, and SUCCESS in MOOC courses.

Project Outcome: