STEM Open Educational Resources (OERs): Development and Integration of STEM OERs across SUNY

Nathan Whitley-Grassi

Project Team
  • Audeliz Matias, Empire State College
  • Kevin Woo, Empire State College

Empire State College


Tier One


Project Abstract:

The proposed project will expand our current efforts to capitalize on SUNY faculty experience to develop OERs in STEM areas, based on the need to increase access to STEM research techniques for students learning at a distance or with other barriers to access, and to introduce STEM topics to engage and “on ramp” non-traditional and adult learners into STEM programs. This tier one project will also foster faculty professional development by recruiting faculty from across SUNY. We will support and collaborate with the faculty to develop OERs in areas beyond our academic expertise by utilizing the process created during our previously funded IITG project. In addition, we will facilitate a workshop on the development and integration of OERs for STEM faculty. These OERs will be part of the larger SUNY community as a resource in an online repository in the SUNY Learning Commons and submitted to resources such as MERLOT where they can be utilized by others (e.g. Open SUNY programs) and made available for wider distribution.

Project Outcome:

This project continues to expand our current efforts to capitalize on SUNY faculty experience to develop OERs in STEM areas, and to introduce STEM topics to engage and “on ramp” non-traditional and adult learners into STEM programs. As such we created OER objects that were designed to increase access and portability to scientific techniques, while supporting an instructional model that allows for further refinement, development, growth and use across SUNY and beyond. By creating materials that are free to use and remix, we have made course development and student engagement more affordable.

Project Outcome Report