Preparing Profession-Ready Novice Educators: Incorporating Video-Based Analysis and Reflective Teaching Cycles

Andrew Hashey

Project Team

Buffalo State College



Project Abstract:

This project aims to bolster novice educators' readiness for entry into the teaching profession by strengthening their teaching and reflective ability through the use of video-based feedback and a reflective teaching cycle. Eight participating faculty from two diverse SUNY teacher preparation institutions will take part in a scaffolded professional development sequence focusing on (a) incorporating video-based feedback into their courses, and (b) integrating reflective teaching cycles into their instructional repertoires. Primary objectives for SUNY students who take these re-designed courses are to increase their (a) knowledge of evidence-based practices, (b) ability to reflect on their teaching, and (c) ability to improve their teaching and learning as a result of reflection. An iterative approach will be used to evaluate and refine the professional development processes used throughout the grant period, and project collaborators will create a CC-licensed guidebook with faculty and student work samples, and implementation recommendations to facilitate replication.

Project Outcome: