Student STEM Content Video Projects for Preservice Teachers: A Drop-in Course Module

Daniel MacIsaac

Buffalo State College


Tier One


Project Abstract:

We will develop and distribute an OER drop-in course module for a semester-long course project that can be adopted into any STEM content or methods course for preservice teachers. The project will typically be worth 10-15% of the course credit and require about 20 hours/student of work outside of scheduled class time, including a class presentation of a <5min "final working draft" video during the last week of classes. Student produced videos are produced with standard consumer smartphones and tablets (IPads etc), and low-cost or free software. The project will require several graded milestone deliverables including a proposal, literature search, storyboard, rough draft video presentation and a final reflective overview paper due at final exam. Examples, assignments, grading rubrics, and project guidance videos and documents will be prepared and made available via the SUNY digital commons. Our module will be deployed in BlackBoard, but with minimal modification the module content could be adapted to any Learning Management System.