Taking Laboratory Science Home

Dr. Joseph Zawicki

Project Team
  • Dr. David Abbott

Buffalo State College


Tier One


Project Abstract:

Science courses for non-majors are ubiquitous; their raison d’être is the satisfaction of SUNY General Education requirements in the natural sciences. Additionally, the advent of the online platforms for education have been a boon to many students. The flexibility provided by these platforms affords students the ability to more effectively plan their studies around family responsibilities, work schedules, and other obligations. They are also crucial for the retention of non-traditional students. The downside of natural science courses deployed on online platforms and courses is their focus on the review of popular-press or academic articles, or on a stifling emphasis on calculations, thus precluding hands-on investigations. This proposal seeks to develop Open Educational Resources focusing on a set of 10 - 12 hands-on laboratory experiences that can easily be conducted at home,The activities will heavily rely on observation and interpretation emphasizing skill building and data analysis.