STEM Job Skills Development in a Competency Based Education (CBE) Model

Dr. Nathan Whitley-Grassi

Project Team
  • Shaun Hoppel
  • Allison Moreland

Empire State College


Tier One


Project Abstract:

This project will develop a plan and designing a series of competency-based resources that will facilitate workforce development and learning for STEM students, with a particular focus on those students who have cognitive disabilities. The proposed project will serve as a proof of concept for a larger-scale project addressing needs for STEM workforce development for all SUNY students and examine CBE as an instructional model for students with some forms of cognitive disability. Further, this project would organize a one-day symposium on CBE in use at SUNY, hosted at Empire State College. This event would allow a forum to discuss this and other SUNY CBE projects as well as provide opportunities for researchers and SUNY faculty to network and form supportive communities of practice. Specific focuses or tracks at the symposium could include; CBE in STEM, CBE for workforce development, CBE for students with disabilities, and applications of CBE for adult and non-traditional students.